My second Fashion Week and one year of rincondesofia

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Lately, I have the feeling that every event of last year at the same time is repeating itself. I notice that different months cause a different stage of mind to me. Summer holidays generally have the same effect as New Years Eve – the feeling of closing something, the feeling of an ending. The ending of a school year. With one little difference this year. School is no longer a part of my life.

Is that good or bad? I don’t know. To me school has always been attached with a lot of positive associations such as friendships, laughters during lessons and quite some interesting topics and tasks offered by the teachers. Then again there were those subjects I felt like wasting my time and brain cells sitting there (sorry physics and chemistry , I respect people liking you), but somehow I accepted that this, together with the sports competitions I hated, formed this thing called general education, which was fortunately offered to me.

I can say that school formed me and there is no doubt that I learned a lot there, also about values. The way of many people that seemed very important to me until now and my own way will probably part away in what feels like an instant. Is that good or bad? I don’t know. Maybe they have to make space for new souls in my life.

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This blog of mine, I can’t believe it, has turned one year now. It was one year ago when I published my first entry with pictures of my very first fashion week. Now I’m back from my second. And to make it clear I was just a little +1, a little companion, a little observer. Was it inspiring, good or bad? I don’t know. But still there ist no doubt that it has been full of new input, experiences as well as potential ideas and decisions. And maybe I dreamed it, but I think there were even a few appreciative views from other fashionable individuals at my outfits.

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Runways have something magical to me. You can see all the hard work of the designers and the preparations before being able to present a whole collection. The music, the tiny conversations through the rows commenting the looks, the clicking cameras everywhere and the fact that except of the runway everything is more or less dark, creates a unique atmosphere.

Berlin is one of the most incredible cities I know. It never gets boring visiting. The vibrant art and fashion scene, the presence of history as well as the multicultural, chaotic and sometimes battered vibe it has, creates an atmosphere no other city has in my view. A good example for this was the show room from Ewa Herzog in the middle of a quite quotidian residential area. The insanely beautiful models looked like a mixture of fairies and fawns in between the beautifully arranged flowers.

What is fashion for you? A question I heard several people were asked. I wasn’t among them. But therefore I have blog, so I can tell it here. I guess to me fashion is the joy of being able to reinvent oneself again and again.

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The joy of inspiration, adapting ideas, finding out who we are or who we want to be instead. Fashion is a tool to play with that. It may be a weapon it may be a shelter. It may go crazy, be conservative, out of order, out of place, en vogue, a mass hysteria, abhorrent, or beautifully appealing.


But one thing is certain: behind fashion there always are personalities and sparkling minds. Therefore it will never get boring.

And therefore I will keep on writing over here for another year. Let’s see what I’ll have to say next year at this time when I have the feeling everything is repeating itself. Or maybe it won’t, I don’t know and I don’t wanna know until then.

XX Sofia


Reality in motion//Outfits

Lately I’ve seen things and places which looked like they originated in somebody’s dream.

The Royal Greenhouses of Laeken were one of them. I walked into them with bright eyes opened seeing flowers and plants everywhere around me.

Currently bright as well as pastel colors are leading my fashion palette. Whatever you do and wherever you go nobody knows where your personal tunnel is going to end.

Open your windows let the warm breeze in and loose your sight into the clouds in the blue sky.

Have a seat, chatter with inspiring individuals or just observe other people reading the newspaper on their own in a café…

At the end of the day your mind will be filled with new images.

Sometimes life is a beautiful dream, the only difference is that you are awake. Wherever you go, absorb the atmosphere of your surroundings with true curiosity, you’ll be always richer later on.

XX Sofia

Traveling Brussels, Antwerpen and Leiden

You know how I feel

It’s here again, that divine energy the sun brings you when it decides to shine long and bright for a week (!) in Northern Germany. Everything seems lighter, brighter and a little bit easier, even my finals. I can’t deny anymore that I’m in the middle of the process of being seriously responsible for my future actions and with them my future life. I look at myself in the mirror and to be honest I don’t see that much of a difference comparing to the little girl I used to be.

I guess I’m in the middle of my very own coming of age movie, I’m still figuring out the soundtrack. But I’m sure that I want as many bright pastel colors in it as possible.

And art, much art until I’m very, very old.

XX Sofia

Light on my skin

Today was a lot about planning the upcoming months and about walks in the winter sun. Oh, and about wearing my new thrift shopped blazer from Max Mara I luckily found in Scandinavia. My Mum laughed at me saying she had a very similar one in the 80s and not thinking I would consider it on vogue. Sundays can be wonderful. Today it was freezing, but yet incredibly sunny – It was wonderful to feel the sunlight on my pale skin, drawing shadows all around. It reminded me that the winter won’t be eternal. Looking forward to the warmer months and I’m happy to share some of the photos from today – all taken by Tobi (instagram @by.tobi). Wishing you a great week, may the sun stay a little.

XX Sofia

Step by step

That’s the way I’m trying to manage my life right now. Week by week, exam by exam. Trying to regenerate on weekends and to spend as much time with those people that fill me with energy, those I love. It’s an endless contradiction between making loads of plans and bringing yourself back to reality that tells you to rest (see previous post). The following pictures were taken at 2 am, talking about rest. Doing that in that moment, was a non important step, but still a step, like everything happening in the past weeks. Life consists in taking steps, always trying to go up, eventually moving down again and sometimes to miss a step and to fall down the whole stairway. Sometimes a stair leads to another floor, a place to stay, a place to rest. Still you can figure out where the next stairs are and continue to the next floor. Of course you can also rest in the middle of the stairs, but careful, other people may stumble upon you. Taking steps means taking risks, making decisions and making memories, good and bad ones. Focus on the next step, don’t try to skip it and to move forward too fast. Or maybe that would also be okay, I don’t know. Not knowing is what makes the stairway interesting. And if it’s a golden one even more. Take you time, take your steps.

XX Sofia

Fotos taken by Daniel Wendt in the Hotel Hafen Hamburg