Keep on drawing

So school is over, summer is over good days are over. Aren’t they? My sister said to me, now that I finished school I have eternal vacation. Well, that’s not completely true.

I want to get loads of things organized and done. I want to be productive. I want to squeeze everything out of special and important moments. I want so much, but I struggle very hard with the fact that not everything can turn out the I way I want it to.

I realized very quickly that nobody out here was seriously waiting for me. I was just thrown out into the world, with the words deal with it and better deal well with it. Still, I already dealt with a lot, but it instead of being proud I always keep on looking where I failed. I feel lots of negativity inside of me lately and honestly I don’t have any right for that.

I should be thankful for all the time I have to do things I love right now. I have amazing friends, an amazing family and an amazing boyfriend. And a lot of things I planned for the closest future are amazing too.

I guess I just have to keep on dealing with everything, with life. I should learn more out of failure and until then I’ll just keep on drawing.

All drawings painted by myself mainly with watercolor, ink, charcoal and others. I am very happy to inspire, but please don’t copy my work without giving credits.

XX Sofia

Express yourself – Still lives

We talk too silently about important things, too loudly about stupid things, too much about others, rarely with each other and too often without thinking.

I don’t know from whom this quote is, I just remember somebody telling me it and I think there is so much truth in it.

Honestly, I really enjoy talking to people, communication is such a wonderful thing, but sometimes practiced in such a wrong way. Then it leads to misunderstandings, jealousy, hate and sadness. People say things to hurt others or the other way round, they keep silent about other things and sometimes that can hurt even more. This was not what I wanted to write about in the first place, but due to the fact that I’m trying to achieve some personal improvement lately, I decided for myself to take my communication more serious. I want to prevent those misunderstandings by talking precisely and learning to say no. Everybody wants to be the very best version of themselves. For me this starts with thinking more about the things I say, maybe being the observer more often instead of talking right away. Sometimes nonverbal statements can make a point too.

And of course art can be the most precious and sometimes precise way to express something or it simply confuses, but that’s also a statement in my view. I’m currently working on an art project for school and I wanted to share some still lives I arranged a week ago. Maybe it does not feel like this for everybody looking at them, but I find it fascinating how some simple objects arranged in a specific way, in a certain lighting can create so much atmosphere and express emotions. I hope you like them and maybe you’ll find yourself in some of the mirrors…

XX Sofia