
I spent the last couple of days visiting my family in the Netherlands. As there was a special family event to attend, where I wore the following comfy outfit, we decided to drive over for some days and to use it as an excuse to visit other pretty places in the surroundings. Haarlem was one of them and Arnhem and the Kröller Müller Museum as well. Even though I already know this country so well, I love to explore new parts of it. It feels like a second home for me, especially the rural part of it, where some family lives. The great thing is that it is still ten minutes by bike from the city center. Being used to the city life, it’s wonderful to breathe the rural air for some days and to listen to the peaceful calmless of the country side at night.

Crazy that it is august again, seems like 2017 just started…

XX Sofia


Hurry up, we’re dreaming (M83)

17, that’s the age I have reached today. I’m young, I know that and my head is full of dreams and wishes, just as everyone’s at my age. These past years, that together form this thing called my life, I have learned and seen so much. Things have changed, just as I did. Your birthday is always a day to drive your awareness to the fact, that one year has passed again. Have you achieved new things you dreamed and wished to achieve in the future exactly one year ago? Life is about growing up and finding out the person you want to become. Nobody is born to be perfect. I ask myself: Why are humans so obsessed with controlling everything in their lives, especially their future? The only thing we really have is this very moment. It’s not even a second, it’s simply the present and it’s up to us what we do with it. Don’t get me wrong, I’m also a person that plans a lot and enjoys doing so, but you should always keep in mind that you live NOW. Why does it feel so hard to let the thought in your mind, that you are RIGHT NOW in the position to face your destiny and to create your future in the way you want it to be? Why should I wait to do what I want to do in life, if I’m capable to do it RIGHT NOW? We often don’t dare to take the first step to realize an idea, a dream. So if I learned something last year, you should go and work for your dreams. Take little steps and spend as much time as possible with people and things you love! Dreams often are so close to become reality. So if I may speak for my generation: Hurry up (world), we’re dreaming!

XX Sofia

Taken by Daniel

She moves in her own way -The Kooks

This post won’t be about a lot of text, I just felt like sharing my other look from the first day on the Fashion Week in Berlin. Normally, I never use to wear heels, because, let’s be honest, all females around this planet, they are incredibly uncomfortable and nobody will be able to convince me of the opposite. But hey, it was Fashion Week, so I decided to suffer a little bit and to sing along this song by The Kooks, one of my favourite bands by the way, and just pretend to be extremely elegant and secure on my stilettos…

XX Sofia



Well, I guess that, if I’m going to write here regularly, it might be nice to introduce myself a little bit. Introducing yourself is something everybody does now and then and I think it’s such an interesting matter, due to the fact that you introduce yourself a little different depending on the situation you’re in and the people your talking to. I caught myself often telling too much about me straight away, but sometimes otherwise I’ve noticed that people would have liked to know more about me and I sort of blocked and didn’t really answer their questions. I don’t like it when people have something like a whole arranged introduction text which they use as a replay anytime they meet someone new. That’s not likable at all and not authentic. The main problem I see when it comes to introduce myself is that, of course, I tell more – or let’s be honest – I tell only about the positive things surrounding my person. I would never say, “Oh by the way I get quite annoying when I’m hungry and in some moments I can be relatively selfish, but don’t get me wrong: overall I’m a pretty nice girl ;)” . Anyway isn’t it about all that makes you the person you are and the complex character with all the nice and less nice features that form this being you call yourself? But another question: does the person you are talking to really want to know about everything beneath your surface? I guess it’s up to yourself to tell what feels right to you telling your counterpart when it comes to introduce yourself. And I think as long as you don’t make up lies and stories about you, everything is fine. To introduce myself I’d rather prefer that people would get to know me step by step seeing me doing things instead telling a lot about how I do them. So for the moment, I guess, if I may introduce myself – I’m just me.

XX Sofia

Both photos are taken by the talented Daniel, make sure you check him out on Instagram

First Entry

Hello out there! As a part of my work experience at the wonderful brand I decided to launch this very own site of mine. I don’t have any special goal to achieve, I’ll be simply happy to share whatever comes up, mainly my work concerning arts, photography, fashion as well as my travel experiences. So let’s wait where this is going to lead me, I’m the first one to be curious about it.

Last week I had the great opportunity to spend two days in Berlin during Fashion Week. It was an incredible experience fully packed with fashion, wonderful new people I had the honor to meet, long talks in parks, good food, music and one night in between in which I slept better than ever due to my exhaustion. Those were two unforgettable days with an enormous amount of new impressions. Apart from that I’m always thrilled to visit the capital, Berlin is such an amazing place to be. It’s crazy how two days, where you wouldn’t do that much normally, can change your perspective of basically everything. Looking forward to more experiences like this one to come.

XX Sofia


