
Before I say anything about you Japan, I will thank you for one big thing which made my situation much better while I travelled this absolutely amazing country: They had incredibly clean and comfortable restrooms at any public place such as subway stations and bigger stores. This was a huge relief for someone (still) struggling with bladder infections like me. So THANK YOU for that. Japan Railpass and the Shinkansen (super fast) trains deserve my appreciation as well. You made traveling in between Kyoto, Osaka and Tokyo pretty easy and worth the trip itself!! Germany, please take an example in this system, efficiency and velocity!!

After being three months in Southeast Asia I thought I had caught a lot of the essence of Asia, but Japan totally blew off my mind being so well organized, clean, interesting and different. And with different I really mean the term of being different. Everything was worth to keep your eyes on for a longer time. The people of course, the streets, the shops, the restaurants, any matter of transportation, buildings, temples and not to forget the manhole covers (!) which had artsy ornaments on them. To sum it up I was extremely fascinated by literally everything. In terms of patterns and nature it is an extremely rich country as well. You find everything decorated and a big appreciation of the very detail. You want to do this yourself at home too. Decorate everything with ornaments and flowers for instance. Of course I had to buy a comfy and yet stylish kimono and a ridiculous amount of stationary like Mt masking tape and pottery.

In the following I will simply share my favourite impressions. It’s going to be more of a photo diary. Enjoy!

Kimono variations

Fushimi Inari Taisha and it’s surroundings – all of it unique and beautiful and never seen before like this for me. Especially the bamboo forest left me speechless.

Himeji Castle – What a surreal place. Same goes for the Golden temple and its gardens around, even if it was a bit crowded and touristy.

The food in Japan was amazing too. Had a ridiculous amount of cucumber makis and sweet treats and enjoyed the peaceful atmosphere in beautiful tearooms slurping matcha tea.

Streets in Tokyo were filled with amazing architecture and shops. Make sure to check out the new Muji Hotel in Ginza and its 9 stories full of the most amazing Muji stuff – yes, I was a little obsessed with it.

As I already intuited I wanted to buy half of Japan. They have so much great stationary and handcraft, I went especially nuts in the Tsutaya bookstore and in Kimono and fabric shops.

On another day we visited Hiroshima – what an awful place, showing one of the greatest destructions of humankind. May this never happen ever again.

From there we took the ferry over to the dreamy Miyajima Island and its famous gate.

Streets of Kyoto and Osaka (by night)

The amazing Teamlab Borderless exhibition in Tokyo was super inspiring and totally different.

To sum it up – Japan left me full of impressions and inspiration. I am extremely thankful for my mum that fulfilled her dream to travel this country for her 50th birthday and decided to take me along with her. She did not want any big party with a lot of people. Just her favourite three people and a little adventure full of new impressions. She shows me everyday that you have to work very hard but every now and then you have to take the moment and do things and eventually fulfill your dreams, because life will not be forever. So thanks to her, I get to be part of fulfilling so many great dreams and adventures of hers.

Looking forward to many more experiences like this one. Big changes coming to my life soon in any case… Stay curious!

XX Sofia