Prague in June

2019 is being quite an eventful year so far. It has been full of travels to incredible places. I’ve been to Istanbul and Dublin after I wrote my last post about Bali but those trips were family quality time weekend trips and even though I took some quite beautiful pictures, I wasn’t feeling like writing a blogpost about it. Time seems to fly like never before and I am very afraid that this is becoming worse and worse becoming older. Still everything is feeling so intense. My graduation will be one year ago next week and it couldn’t seem more far away. Or I could’t be more far away from it. Every single thing I did from the day after my graduation was completely self initiated by my very self. I really felt what it meant to be in control of creating something for yourself. I somehow created something similar to a routine, interrupted by a lot of amazing travels as I wished for doing this whole year. I completely reduced my contact agenda to a minimum of very close friends, which are always there for me. Head of that small list is my boyfriend who made me the wonderful surprise of an early birthday present consisting of three nights in Prague in June, which is one of our favorite months. We won’t be able to spend as much time in summer together as we would like to, but this has been a great opportunity to have at least a couple of days just for the two of us. We took the train directly from Hamburg passing through very different landscapes of Eastern Germany. Prague is an incredibly beautiful city, the architecture pleases your eye at every corner of the inner city. We had a very nice and cozy Airbnb in Prague 10. So all in all, Prague has been an absolute blast with incredible moments and impressions, which made it seem as a beautiful daydream to me. I am happy to share a couple of those impressions through my photos here. What followed afterwards and was supposed to be two more nights seeing family in Leipzig in the first place, turned into an absolute nightmare, but more of this after my pictures.


Our balcony was tiny but it offered enough place for a breakfast for two in the morning.



After arriving we had a wonderful dinner at Nejen Bistro in Karlin in the first evening and admired the beautiful facades around it.




We enjoyed some real good coffee at Super Tramp Coffee and strolled through the beautiful streets of Prague 1.



We went up the tower of the Old Town Hall and were rewarded with the most wonderful view full of red rooftops filling the city widely.



I have been an Alfons Mucha fan ever since I saw an exhibition about his work in Brussels many years ago. So of course the Mucha Museum was a must for me!



Zizkov is a pretty cool area, make sure to stop for a delicious vegan donut at the Donut Shop.



One of the very highlights definitely were the gardens of the Wallenstein Palace. It’s all in the complex of the Castle of Prague and full of majestic peacocks. Looks like you landed in another century!




                                            Iced coffee in between to fight the heat.


I absolutely loved Cafe Letka in Prague 7.



Finally it was time to say goodbye to our Airbnb where we really felt at home and which made itself very well as a shooting location. I totally recommend staying in a calmer area as Prague 1 is extremely touristy… 


I would have loved to share pictures from Leipzig as well, but I haven’t had the opportunity to take any. It all started with a blatter infection in the evening we arrived from Prague. I unfortunately have this quiet regularly. After taking my usual medication, drinking tea etc. I thought it was getting better but it couldn’t have become worse later. I went to the hospital in the evening after feeling a heavy pain in my back and guess what, I wasn’t taken seriously at all. They sent me to the pharmacy to get antibiotics. Before even taking them I started throwing up when I was back. Finally I managed to take it, but I kept throwing up the whole night even blood in the end. In the early morning we finally called the ambulance as we didn’t know what to do anymore. I was not completely conscious from that moment on, I just heard the dull sounds of the sirens in the back and felt the sharp pain of the needles put into my body. They ran loads of tests on me and in the end it turned out that I had a very dangerous kidney infection on both kidneys. I still can’t believe that I was in serious life danger… I can’t believe how fast everything can change, how fast you can be completely thrown out of everything, how everything paralyzes from one moment to another. People told me I suffered pain very similar to the one you have giving birth. Considering that, I don’t know if I want to have children… Anyways, let’s say I am fine now. I could go home after two nights in the hospital but I barely move out of bed, which is an absolute torture for a hyperactive person like me. Also considering that right now we are living the longest days of the year it is super frustrating. As I said before, June is one of my favorite months. Here I am,  just a little something on constant medication curled up in blankets hoping for recovery to come fast. Okay, enough now with the self-pity there are other poor creatures feeling much worse than I do. I will keep sinking myself into blankets, books, Instagram, youtube and Netflix. Next week is gonna be exciting.

XX Sofia