Summer Start

It’s now. The time I’ve been looking forward to for so long. Time for traveling with the people I love the most. Days filled with music, wine, laughter, talking and overthinking our lives. Getting lost for a little while. What’s different is that this time my summer is starting in Germany. In eastern Germany to be correct.I’ve been on the marvelous Melt Festival in the middle of Saxony. The place was magical, the weather couldn’t have been better and my back hurt from dancing too much. The day consisted of swimming in a lake after making quite good breakfast at our camp (you couldn’t sleep longer than 8 am because the tent literally turned into a sauna…) and then dancing, dancing, dancing with a couple of stops at the food trucks in between.

I could listen to some of my favourite bands, which always is such a precious thing for me. Thanks to The XX, Cigarettes after Sex, Odesza, Florence and the Machine and many more.

My uncle, a very wise and funny man told me to take every opportunity seriously to see my beloved musicians, he still cries when he remembers that he didn’t go to The Rolling Stones because it was to expensive for him at that time.

After the festival I visited Leipzig for the first time. All the things I learned in history class about eastern Germany suddenly became vivid.

I filled up my energy level in several cozy coffee places such as espresso zak zak. And there was time for second hand shopping and art Museums too.

We had the most wonderful Airbnb in the eastern part of the city. It was the flat of a young actress who liked to label anything at her place. We found ourselves on the beautiful little balcony for hours during breakfast and in the evening, always with very good self made food, which was a blast after the festival madness.

Because of the hot weather I really welcomed a day by the lake and another morning in the beautiful botanical garden.

Those really were some wonderful days, somehow I feel my mind cleared itself in different ways. Even though I feel exhausted it feels like a lost some mental weight the past days, if you can relate to what I mean.

XX Sofia

My second Fashion Week and one year of rincondesofia

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Lately, I have the feeling that every event of last year at the same time is repeating itself. I notice that different months cause a different stage of mind to me. Summer holidays generally have the same effect as New Years Eve – the feeling of closing something, the feeling of an ending. The ending of a school year. With one little difference this year. School is no longer a part of my life.

Is that good or bad? I don’t know. To me school has always been attached with a lot of positive associations such as friendships, laughters during lessons and quite some interesting topics and tasks offered by the teachers. Then again there were those subjects I felt like wasting my time and brain cells sitting there (sorry physics and chemistry , I respect people liking you), but somehow I accepted that this, together with the sports competitions I hated, formed this thing called general education, which was fortunately offered to me.

I can say that school formed me and there is no doubt that I learned a lot there, also about values. The way of many people that seemed very important to me until now and my own way will probably part away in what feels like an instant. Is that good or bad? I don’t know. Maybe they have to make space for new souls in my life.

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This blog of mine, I can’t believe it, has turned one year now. It was one year ago when I published my first entry with pictures of my very first fashion week. Now I’m back from my second. And to make it clear I was just a little +1, a little companion, a little observer. Was it inspiring, good or bad? I don’t know. But still there ist no doubt that it has been full of new input, experiences as well as potential ideas and decisions. And maybe I dreamed it, but I think there were even a few appreciative views from other fashionable individuals at my outfits.

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Runways have something magical to me. You can see all the hard work of the designers and the preparations before being able to present a whole collection. The music, the tiny conversations through the rows commenting the looks, the clicking cameras everywhere and the fact that except of the runway everything is more or less dark, creates a unique atmosphere.

Berlin is one of the most incredible cities I know. It never gets boring visiting. The vibrant art and fashion scene, the presence of history as well as the multicultural, chaotic and sometimes battered vibe it has, creates an atmosphere no other city has in my view. A good example for this was the show room from Ewa Herzog in the middle of a quite quotidian residential area. The insanely beautiful models looked like a mixture of fairies and fawns in between the beautifully arranged flowers.

What is fashion for you? A question I heard several people were asked. I wasn’t among them. But therefore I have blog, so I can tell it here. I guess to me fashion is the joy of being able to reinvent oneself again and again.

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The joy of inspiration, adapting ideas, finding out who we are or who we want to be instead. Fashion is a tool to play with that. It may be a weapon it may be a shelter. It may go crazy, be conservative, out of order, out of place, en vogue, a mass hysteria, abhorrent, or beautifully appealing.


But one thing is certain: behind fashion there always are personalities and sparkling minds. Therefore it will never get boring.

And therefore I will keep on writing over here for another year. Let’s see what I’ll have to say next year at this time when I have the feeling everything is repeating itself. Or maybe it won’t, I don’t know and I don’t wanna know until then.

XX Sofia