How I manage to be creative

Well, first post in December, month of busyness and calories. I’ve been a little ill these past few days, but hey, it’s winter and freaking cold, so an excuse more to stay home. People, who know me very well, know that I’m the worst being sick. I say to myself: Oh great, now you have time to do all those things you always want to do but you never have time for, such as reading and drawing or tidying my room. But then I notice that I’m too weak to do anything else than sleeping or maybe watching some Netflix (I’m totally obsessed with The Crown lately). And of course I wouldn’t stop complaining all the time how frustrating it is not being able to do all those things and how much I hate being sick. Being sick sucks and I guess me being sick sucks too, especially for my dearest surrounding me. Enough suffering for know, I noticed apart from art at school and homework coming from there, I really need to take more time to draw, as I used to do. The thing with drawing and me is once I’m inspired and started drawing I get in a kind of flow and won’t stop for quite a time. I usually draw women, sort of fashion figurines. Normally I get inspired by beautiful pictures I came across, a good example is the gorgeous Beatrice

Check out her beautiful blog and take your pencils and scribble as there was no tomorrow. I’ll be happy to share some of my latest results. I know my audience is not that big, but I would love to hear if you would like me to write about certain things or share more things as my art. Just let me know!

XX Sofia

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